The Savings Game

In the context of October 31, World Savings Day, Junior Achievement of Albania, in cooperation with organizations that are part of the ANFE Network (Albanian Network for Financial Education) and the German Sparkassenstiftung in Albania, held another Savings Game training from October 29 to on November 3.

35 young high school students from 11 high schools in Albania were trained about the concept of Savings and how to manage their finances in general. The training, built in the form of an online interactive game, put the young people in the situation of a family and enabled them to increase their capacities not only in terms of financial management, but also provided them with valuable knowledge on inflation, financial institutions, the magic triangle economic, savings products, etc.

All the families raised for the purpose of the game did well, but where there is competition there is a winner. The "Dara Family" managed to win among other families for the highest "Quality of Life" and "Purchasing in accordance with the purpose", as the main winning criteria.

Always take care of your finances!!

Grant - Call for applications

JA of Albania announces the announcement of the open call for Small Grants for Civil Society Organizations in the framework of the Balkan Youth project: "To connect regional education, skills and potentials with regional youth employment practices" (BY LEAP ).

We invite civil society organizations or non-profit enterprises that are engaged in the field of youth employment and/or entrepreneurship and/or entrepreneurship education and/or in the field of providing business support services for youth business initiatives in local level, to apply with their proposals for projects.

The deadline for applications is November 18, 2021.

The implementation of the Project has been supported by the European Commission, Western Balkans Institute and JA Europe and is being implemented by Junior Achievement Serbia, Junior Achievement of Albania, Student Business Center, JA Turkey – Genç Başarı Eğitim Vakfı, Social innovations incubator "MUNJA", National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM).

Follow the informative session about the application on October 28, 12.00. Please pre-register in this link

You can find the instructions and application documents here.

Achievement of Albanian youth, part of the JA of Albania network

Six young Albanians, part of the Alumni of JA of Albania, took part in the World Day Food "Foodathon" activity organized by JA Europe, which aimed to develop the entrepreneurial skills of young people to transform the future of food. Three of the young Albanians worked in a group with young people from Uganda as part of the "AgriClinic" group, one of the winning teams of the challenge. With their idea to create a device that helps the sustainability and growth of crops, the AgriClinic team from Uganda and Albania developed a product innovative that would optimize resources using digital technologies applied to agriculture. The jury commended the team for not only developing an excellent digital tool that would help farmers and growers as a whole, but also for delivering a very clear, attractive and compelling idea.

"We speak the language of financial markets"

A few months ago, 100 students from 10 secondary schools in Albania took part in the competition undertaken by JA of Albania "We speak the language of financial markets". The young people were engaged in drafting a dictionary with basic terms and concepts in the field of investment and entrepreneurship, expressed in simplified language and suitable for their age group. The closing ceremony of this competition organized by Junior Achievement of Albania in partnership with ASTA - the Securities Trading Association in Albania, ANFE - the Albanian Network for Financial Education and under the auspices of the Financial Supervision Authority, it took place within the framework of the World Investor Week. The participants in the ceremony and especially the winning students of the competition emphasized the value of the initiatives such that enable young people to deepen their knowledge on investments and entrepreneurship.

Ferd List 2021

For the 5th consecutive year, a selection of inspiring entrepreneurs and leaders from the Junior Achievement alumni network have been added to the FERD List. The FERD List is a joint initiative by JA Europe and FERD, recognizing individuals who have an entrepreneurial experience during schooling and have become outstanding entrepreneurs and leaders in their communities. The FERD List honors are evidence that the hands-on entrepreneurial experiences these young people receive during schooling can be transformative not only for these individuals, but also for the creation of a virtual circle for the wider society. "Through this initiative, we want to show that building an entrepreneurial mindset in young people results in a virtuous circle, on many levels and for the long term", says Johan H. Andresen, Owner and Chairman of Ferd, and initiator of the FERD List. He added: "I am delighted that these seven individuals are joining the growing list of honorees and look forward to discovering what the future holds for them." our alumni community and we are grateful to Johan H. Andresen for shedding light on their inspiring stories. Thanks to the commitment, dedication and generosity of our alumni, we will be able to give more young Europeans a chance to have similar life-changing opportunities," said Salvatore Nigro, CEO of JA Europe. We are very proud to have Altin Kadareja as one of the alumni on the FERD honors list, who are among the most outstanding entrepreneurs, leaders and innovators in Europe and are doing outstanding work in their professional field. Discover the Ferd List Winners here 2021


The last days of August and the first days of September were quite interesting for the debate program. For five intense days from August 28 to September 2, representatives from the Debating Economics program participated in the first IDEA Youth Forum in nearly ten years. About 50 participants from Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East had the opportunity to interact with each other, share experiences related to the debate, work and have fun. Over the five days, a total of 36 sessions were held by guests and forum participants about the world of debating, such as the introduction of debating, how to implement it and most importantly how to make debating interesting again and make it yes as powerful as ever. A panel of three professionals pointed out at the end of this Forum the main problems that most countries face to implement the debate among young people. Success stories were used to provide suggestions for specific problems faced by participants.

Regional conference "Regional CSO Networking" - BY LEAP Project

Regional Conference "Regional CSO Networking" - BY LEAP Project 20 members of youth civil society organizations and members of the JA Alumni Albania network were actively involved in the Regional Conference "Regional CSO Networking" that took place on September 8-10, 2021, in Podgorica, Montenegro, held within the ByLeap project. 120 participants involved in this Conference, representatives of civil society organizations, members of JA Alumni networks and representatives from the business world from six countries: Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina , North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, discussed the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship in the countries of the region, sharing good practices from each country. During the Conference, the participants were presented with some of the successes of Junior Achievement at the global and national level, as well as with the grant schemes that the project offers. The conference aimed to promote regional cooperation between youth organizations and will be followed by other initiatives that essentially enable the empowerment of youth entrepreneurship in the countries where this project is being implemented.