Strengthening the supportive environment for Student Companies - Tirana

41 representatives of the employment offices, the career education unit, the Municipality of Tirana, the Directorate of Youth, the City Council, civil society organizations became part of the roundtable organized by JAA within the campaign "Strengthening the supporting environment for student companies" , as part of the "By Leap" project.

The table served as an information space not only on the "Student Company" program and the need of established companies for more support, but also on initiatives, programs and projects that are applied by public institutions and organizations that can provide real support for students not only during the application of this module at school, but also outside it.

The participants at the table considered this information space very important and in general they emphasized that even though in the Tirana Region there are many more spaces and opportunities to support such youth initiatives, there is still a lot of work to be done to directly inform young people on the existence of these programs. The conclusions of the table will serve to intensify communication with young people in school settings, to promote their involvement in programs and initiatives that empower them.