"Debating Economics": Universities Debate

Në kuadër të programit “Debating Economics” të Junior Achievement of Albania, studentë të Klubeve të Debatit pranë Universiteteve të Tiranës, partnerë të JAA, u bënë pjesë e aktivitetit të Debatit mes Universiteteve të zhvilluar pranë Fakultetit Ekonomik Universiteti i Tiranës më 19 Korrik 2022….

"3E-English-Entrepreneurship-Employability": Universities Debate

Në kuadër të programit të debatit “Debating Economics” të Junior Achievement of Albania, studentë të Klubeve të Debatit pranë 6 Fakulteteve të Gjuhës së Huaj pjesë të projektit “3E-English-Entrepreneurship-Employability”, me mbështetjen e Ambasadës Amerikane…

JA WORLDWIDE is ranked among the top 100 companies and nonprofits in Fast Company's annual list of the "World's 100 Best Places to Work for Innovators"

Bashkohemi me Google, Citi, SAP, Adobe, Audible, Mattel, Microsoft, Paypal dhe të tjerë.

Fast Company shpalli sot listën e saj të katërt vjetore të vendeve më të mira të punës për inovatorët, duke nderuar organizatat dhe bizneset që demonstrojnë një përkushtim të palëkundur…

Training of debate clubs in Universities

170 students from 15 public and private Faculties and Universities in Albania were involved during the months of April and May in another training organized by Junior Achievement of Albania. The students involved in the training are part of the Debate Clubs set up by JAA in partnership with the respective Universities, 6 of which are supported by the American Embassy in Albania as part of the "3E-English-Entrepreneurship-Employability" project that JAA is implementing. The training, part of a training cycle for Debate Club students, aimed to develop students' knowledge and skills regarding communication and public presentation, an important component to prepare them as successful debaters. Student engagement in Debate Clubs The debate follows!

Physical visit to Silicon Valley of Albanian startups!

Programi 'Roadmap to Silicon Valley' (Rrugëtim drejt Silicon Valley), një nismë e Junior Achievement of Albania dhe TechSpace, në partneritet me PROTIK dhe mbështetjen e Fondacionit Shqiptaro-Amerikan për Zhvillim (AADF), u lançua në Dhjetor 2019 si një thirrje e hapur për të gjitha startupet…

"3E-English-Entrepreneurship–Employability" Roundtable Discussion

The six tables developed by JA of Albania as part of the "3E - English- Entrepreneurship - Employability" project, which is being implemented with the support of the American Embassy in Tirana. The tables were held in the period April-June 2022 in partnership with the Universities "Fan S. Noli" Korçë, "Aleksandër Xhuvani" Elbasan, "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës, "Ismail Qemali" Vlorë and "Eqerem Çabej" Gjirokastër.

Various actors who have roles and responsibilities in the perspective of creating an enabling environment that promotes the employment of young people as a whole and students in particular became part of these tables, specifically the Career Departments at the respective Universities, university lecturers, representatives from the structures of the respective Municipalities, Labor Offices, as well as students who are part of Debate Clubs. At each of the tables, models of national and local practices were presented by experts in the field, while students and participants addressed the challenges they face to make national and local policies applicable to every student. The tables highlighted the need to redimension the role and commitment of Career Departments in Universities from the point of view of informing students about the spaces that actually exist to enable a quick integration in the labor market.