The second secret of debate clubs in universities

81 students from 5 public and private Faculties and Universities in Albania were included during the month of December in the second training organized by Junior Achievement of Albania within the Debating Economics program. The students involved in the training are part of the Debate Clubs set up by JAA in partnership with the respective Universities.

The second training, part of a training cycle for Debate Club students, aims to develop and apply one of the main skills of the millennial, such as critical thinking. Students were introduced to key elements of critical thinking and developed practical skills to be better debaters.

JAA - Accredited Training

86 teachers of higher secondary education in Albania were included in the trainings developed by JAA in the period November-December 2022. ” and “Director for a Day” to expand knowledge and develop skills that enable the effective development of the lesson and transfer of knowledge and skills to students. The "Team Building in Adolescence" module, accredited and applied for the first time, was found with interest by the participating teachers from both upper secondary and lower secondary schools.

Regional Entrepreneurial Learning Partnership Building Forum

On October 26-28, 2022, the Regional Entrepreneurship Learning Partnership Building Forum was organized within the BY LEAP project (Balkan Youth: Linking Education, Skills and Partnership Potential in Regional Employment Practice) funded by the European Union and implemented by JA Serbia. coordinator), National Youth Council of Macedonia, JA of Albania, WEBIN, JA Turkiye, Munja, SBC and JA Europe. The Regional Forum for Building Entrepreneurial Learning Partnership brought together 120 participants from CSOs in the region, government and professional bodies , young entrepreneurs and successful student companies in order to promote partnership building with a regional perspective. Also, the summary of regional policies regarding the regulation of student and youth companies in different regional contexts was presented and debated. National level exit strategies were presented to discuss the partnership's involvement in the process of assessing the limitation of strategic frameworks and recommendations for contributions to new frameworks being developed.

JAA - Elective modules 2022 - 2023

In 81 secondary schools in Albania, about 4,000 students follow the elective modules of JAA "Student Society" and "Leader for a day" for the academic year 2022-2023. During the month of November, JA trained 43 teachers, developing their practical skills in delivering JAA modules during the teaching process in the classrooms where they teach.

Through 3 online trainings carried out by JAA in November 2022, 143 students following the "Student Society" module got to know and discussed the methodology they should follow to identify the business idea, as the first step for the establishment and operation of "Students" . The company". The knowledge gained will help them apply in practical conditions with students in their classes as they prepare to apply to JAA with their business idea.

JAA Innovation Camps

During November, JA has developed 2 innovation camps, in the cities of Tirana and Elbasan, with 80 high school students. The young people were presented with a challenge during which they had to find an innovative choice that they could implement in the form of a business. This activity helped the students to further develop their presentation skills, to identify and solve problems such as and the generation of innovative ideas. Other similar activities await us in the future.

Table for the expansion of the partnership for the promotion of the "Company of Students"

Në kuadër të projektit BY Leap "Linking education, regional skills and potentials with regionalyouth employment practices", JA of Albania realizoi më 25 tetor 2022 Tryezën “Vlerat dhe sfidat e modelit ekzistues të Kompanisë së Nxënësve”…

The first JAA National Debate between high schools!

Viti arsimor 2021-2022 shënoi ngritjen për herë të parë të Klubeve të Debatit JAA në 23 shkolla të arsimit të mesëm të lartë në Shqipëri. 460 nxënës pjesë e këtyre klubeve zhvilluan aftësitë si debatues, se si të zhvillojnë kërkimin, të përgatiten për argumentat e debatit, përmirësuan aftësitë komunikuese e prezantuese në publik….

September 2022 K9 teacher training

JA of Albania ka zhvilluar module të reja trajnimi që tashmë janë të akredituara nga Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit dhe gjatë këtij viti akademik do të fokusohemi në mbështetjen e edukimit të vazhdueshëm profesional të mësuesve, duke i prezantuar ata me metodologjitë e reja të mësimdhënies me fokus kompetencën e sipërmarrjes…