Shkodër, January 26, 2023

Strengthening the supportive environment for the young people of the "Student Companies" both inside the school during the practical application of the module, and outside it to implement and expand the opportunities to be an entrepreneur and develop a personal career, was at the center of the Round Table discussion. held by JAA in Shkodër a few days ago.

The table developed within the "By Leap" project brought together representatives of local public institutions, non-governmental organizations, students and teachers of "Student Companies" in Shkodër district.

The representatives of institutions and organizations were informed about the program and agreed on the need to be closer to schools and students, including the students of the established companies in local and regional activities and initiatives. Information on the spaces and opportunities that exist to interact between all actors in order to promote and encourage entrepreneurial initiatives of young people, is a prerequisite to make this support real.