
JUP 3.0 is the open call for 'those who dare'!

Junior Achievement of Albania has been pleased to launch since February the call for young entrepreneurs who wish to become part of JUP 3.0, our incubation program. For the third cohort we are looking for those who dare to pilot and transform their ideas into successful ventures.

Therefore, Junior Up is not just a startup program but a call for those who dare to challenge themselves, dare to test their ideas and turn them into something challenging in the local and global market.

JUP 3.0 consists of:

  • practical trainings from international and local entrepreneurs,

  • mentoring with local and international experts,

  • networking opportunities locally and internationally.

Through online channels and not only, representatives of the Program have held over 15 information sessions in universities such as:

  1. European University of Tirana,

  2. Western Balkan University,

  3. Beder University College,

  4. Polis University,

  5. Hub Office,

  6. University of New York Tirana,

  7. University of Tirana, Faculty of Economics,

  8. University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages.

JUP 3.0 is a greataopportunity to gain knowledge, experiment and move from the idea process to the final product or service. Through various instruments, the most promising startups of the cohort benefit from an investment grant and the most promising one represents Albania at GenE 2024, the largest entrepreneurship festival in Europe.

September 2022 K9 teacher training

JA of Albania ka zhvilluar module të reja trajnimi që tashmë janë të akredituara nga Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit dhe gjatë këtij viti akademik do të fokusohemi në mbështetjen e edukimit të vazhdueshëm profesional të mësuesve, duke i prezantuar ata me metodologjitë e reja të mësimdhënies me fokus kompetencën e sipërmarrjes…