Information Session of the UP Junior Program 2.0

Junior Up is happy to announce the open call for the second group of entrepreneurs! JUP 2.0 is the Incubation Program of Junior Achievement of Albania. After a successful first batch of entrepreneurs with diverse and creative startup ideas, we redesigned JUP and it is ready to launch with:

  1. High-level experts who provide insightful workshops and high-quality consulting for our startups,

  2. International exposure opportunities of top performing startups (Gen-e 2023, Pirates Summit 2023, etc.).

  3. The opportunity to present the potential of their startup in front of a jury of Angel Investors.

To explore in detail how the Program works along with deadlines and key moments, we invite you to be part of our Protik open information session on March 27, 6:00 p.m. You will have the opportunity to ask your questions to the Program management team as well as the best startups of the first group of entrepreneurs But if you have identified a problem and a solution that involves technology, together with your team, feel free to apply HERE! We look forward to seeing you on March 27 in Protik!

We connect knowledge with skills

108 students from 13 9-year-old schools from the Local Education Offices Kavajë, Rrëshen and Durrës became part of the "Finance Camps" organized by JAA in February. Participants generated different business ideas that benefit the areas where they live. Through simulations, students were able to draw up financial statements, marketing strategies, identification of beneficiaries, etc.

Formative student assessment and classroom management in focus of JAA training

315 teachers were trained during the month of February on the JAA module "Formative Student Assessment and Classroom Management", accredited by the Ministry of Education and Sports. The module is organized in 5 sections combining theory and group work and enables teachers to create and implement practical strategies for student motivation. JAA remains committed to supporting the growth of teaching quality.

The youngest debaters of Junior Achievement of Albania

For the second year in a row, the "Debating Economics" program continues its implementation in higher secondary education schools, now with 16 new schools that have joined it this year. Already part of the program are 39 schools of secondary education, which have set up and continue to work with their Debate Clubs within the "Debating Economics" program. 230 students were trained during the month of February as part of the Debate Clubs of 16 Higher Secondary Schools in Albania, newly joined in the program. The training sessions with students of Debate Clubs took place in 16 cities of Tirana, Koplik, Berat, Fier, Memaliaj, Përrenjas, Shijak, Kavajë, Elbasan and Peshkopi. The training of students of the Debate Clubs is aimed at equipping them with key knowledge about the format of the debate that is applied in the program, its main rules and other elements related to it, in order to be successful debaters. After participating in the training, the students will to have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained against their peers in the regional and national competitions of the Debate program of Junior Achievement of Albania.

Strengthening the support environment for JA - Kukës Student Companies

Within the framework of the "By Leap - Linking Education, Abilities and Partnership Potential in Regional Employment Practice" Project, on February 16, 2023, the Innovation Camp was held for high school students in Kukës. 28 students divided into mixed groups among those who follow the Student Society module and those who are not involved in this module became part of the format of this challenge. Within a limited time, they worked in groups to identify a possible innovative idea to be applied in the form of a business, and also competed among different groups for the best idea and the quality with which they presented it to the audience. activity, welcomed by the participants, gave the young people group work techniques that they can further use for generating business ideas, or identifying needs and problems that require solutions, and further developed their presentation skills in public.

Strengthening the supportive environment for Student Companies - Tirana

41 përfaqësues të zyrave të punës, njësisë së edukimit për karrierën, Bashkisë Tiranë, Drejtorisë së Rinisë, Këshillit Bashkiak, organizatave të shoqërisë civile u bënë pjesë e tryezës së organizuar nga JAA…

Strengthening the support environment for Student Companies JA - Korçë

Në tryezën e zhvilluar në Korçë në kuadër të fushatës “Forcimi i mjedisit mbështetës për të rinjtë e Kompanive të Nxënësve JA”, zhvilluar nga JAA në kuadër të projektit By Leap, u përfshinë 53 përfaqësues….